
Showing posts from September, 2023

Sycamore Gap

 I was horrified and sickened by the news of the terrible destruction at Sycamore Gap. Here's a sketch I made of Sycamore Gap, and a short story about a tree that was an important refuge for me.  All the best,  Lynne   May’s call had been frantic, so George drove home as quickly as he dared. ‘Ella’s missing. She went out first thing this morning and hasn’t been seen since.’ His daughter had always been a solitary soul, but it wasn’t like her to go missing for this long. ‘Yes, I’ve called the police and the City General,’ she confirmed. ‘We should never have argued like that in front of her last night.’ ‘But if you…’ George stopped himself. ‘What about friends?’ ‘I’ve called Helen and Sue’s families, but they haven’t seen her.’ ‘Has she taken anything, a coat, a book?’ He’d never known Ella be far from a book. ‘Her coat’s gone.’ May bit her lip. ‘I don’t know what book she might have; she went to the library yesterday.’ ‘We’ll have to search.’ In a field above Wetley Moor stood a ta

Arriving at the Vineyard

    ‘You always arrive on the rim of your wheels,’ Tom said, kissing Maggie hello. ‘I know, too many projects; it’s hard to let go.’ She grinned and turned to kiss the others.  Bella asked, ‘When did you leave England?’ ‘Yesterday; I stayed with my witches near Troyes overnight.’ ‘Ooh, how are they?’ ‘Mad as ever, with great art everywhere. They’ve got herbs drying in the kitchen and their new kitten keeps climbing up to them. I told them they’d never stop her as long as they’re drying catnip but they just laughed.’ ‘Is it still a guesthouse?’ ‘No, they’ve retired, so they just have a few guests who’ve been before, these days.’ ‘Wow, you’re privileged, then,’ Bertrand sounded jealous. Maggie shrugged and turned to Tom. ‘How’s the harvest this year?’  ‘Looking good. That rain we had between the heatwaves filled the grapes nicely, and we’ve kept the mildew off.’  ‘ Allez , A la soupe,’  Annie called, ringing the bell kept by the door. ‘ J’ai un faim de loup ,’ said Tom, and they filed in